Valpolicella e Valdadige by bike


Over 200 km of cycle paths from Valpolicella to Valdadige Vineyards, mediaeval hamlets, Romanesque rural churches, Renaissance villas…

Valpolicella lies at the heart of the province of Verona and is one of the most attractive, special upland and pre-alpine areas of the Veneto region, where landscape, art, culture and wine share a common heritage. The itineraries presented here are intended to offer keen and attentive bike tourists an opportunity to immerse themselves in surroundings where the natural element (green hills, woods), the human presence (towns, courtyards, mediaeval churches) and agriculture (centuries-old vineyards and olive groves) blend together in a spectacle that is both exhilarating and easily accessible by way of cycle paths open to all, families included. The bike tours take in all municipalities of the Valpolicella area and extend as far as the Valle dell’Adige.


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