Ca’ Rezzonico - Museum of 18th century

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  • LOCATION: Fondamenta Rezzonico, 3136 30123 Venezia


One of the most beautiful palaces on the Grand Canal houses the museum of the eighteenth century in Venice: Ca 'Rezzonico.

Ca' Rezzonico Palace was designed by the greatest Baroque architect of the city, Baldassare Longhena for the aristocratic Bon family, and works began in 1649. This is home to the Museum of 18th century Venice. Works of art, furniture, interior furnishings. Masterpieces by Guardi, Canaletto, Tiepolo, Longhi and others.On 3rd and 4th floors, important Venetian-school paintings from the15th- to 20th-century, part of the Martini Collection.

You can request a private visit to Ca 'Rozzenico in order to have a careful and detailed explanation of the works exhibited inside the museum. This type of visit is generally combined with a walking tour in the historic center of Venice.

Timetable: from 10.00 to 18.00 from 1st April to 31st October; from 10.00 to 17.00 from 1st November to 31st March.

Closes on Tuesday, 25th December, 1st January.

Ticket price: full 10.00 € - reduced 7.50 € - schools 4.00 €


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