House Boat

An alternative way to visit Venice, and one which is absolutely unique, is that of hiring a houseboat. These are boats that can accommodate from two to ten people and which do not require a nautical license. Their ease of navigation makes these vessels ideal also for inexperienced sailors and they are widely available across all Europe's canals and rivers. Houseboats are truly floating homes, complete with all furnishings, and they allow you to unite the pleasure of a holiday on board, with that of discovering the Venetian lagoon, with its suggestive and unforgettable views. Thanks to the calm waters of the lagoon, it is possible to reach the splendid islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello, set sail for the uncontaminated northern sandbanks, or head over to the southern part of the lagoon to admire Pellestrina or Chioggia. Even the Brenta Riviera, with its beautiful villas, can be on your itinerary. Houseboats can be hired for three or seven days, or more, at any time of year. If you prefer, you can also purchase a package that also includes a captain, who will sail the boat for you.


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