On 10th April, don't miss the chance to join the Su e Zo per i ponti walk and discover Venice in a different way!
Every year more than 10,000 people take part to one of the most important spring events in Venice: the
Su e Zo per i ponti (i.e.
up and down the bridges, in Venetian language),
a historical walk in which participants get involved in a stroll around the streets of Venice in the name of friendship and solidarity. This year the Su e Zo per i ponti walk takes place
on 10th April.
Different itineraries lead through the less known areas of the city on the water, also touching its most famous landmarks. A day of sustainable tourism, respecting the city we are in, its art, its history, its real soul and its essence.
The Su e Zo per i ponti walk is a real day of celebration:
several folk groups put on their performance either in open spaces along the itinerary, creating a burst of colours and sound - and giving the opportunity to live Venice in a unique way. Two contests are also organized for the occasion.
In collaboration with TGS Eurogroup, the Association
Amici del Pasinetti - always interested in solidarity and peaceful living competition - has decided to organize a competition for short videos taped during the “Su e Zo” with video cameras, cameras, mobile phones.
A jury of experts will select the best videos which will be awarded and admitted to the VideoConcorso “Francesco Pasinetti”.
Writing down impressions on the town or a glimpse of it (a “calle”, a canal, a “campiello”, a palace…), a thought, a piece of poetry, you may be included among the authors quoted in the literary route next year - with a prize and a nice surprise!
09.00 pm
Su e Zo Night Live
a special evening of music, a tribute to Venice and Su e Zo
In collaboration with Hard Rock Cafe Venezia.
09.00 am
Holy Mass in S. Mark’s Basilica
10.30 am
Start from Piazza S. Marco
10.30 am
Start from S. Lucia Railway Station
12.00 am
Parade of Folk Groups in S. Mark’s Square
12.30 am
Prize giving ceremony for the largest groups
15.00 am
Closing of the event
The event will take place in all weather conditions.
REGISTRATION FEE: http://www.suezo.it/en/quota-di-iscrizione