Venice Itinerary: In this section we are going to supply you with three different itineraries that you can decide to follow if you have just one, two or three days at your disposal to visit Venice. If you want, of course, you can change the order of the itineraries. If you already know the most typical and popular places in Venice, you can go directly to the second or the third ones. If you prefer to see just little tourist and very popular areas go directly to the third one. 1st ITINERARY In the first one there are, obviously, all the most famous monuments which you cannot miss, such as St. Mark Basilica, the Belfry and Ducale Palace, if you stay in the city just one day. There is also a final stage in a very evocative an little tourist area of the town: St. Giorgio island, the Giudecca and the Zattere. Moreovere you can be advised on where to go to drink an aperitif or have a fast snack, and soon we will show you some restaurants, trattorie (small restaurants) and bacari (typical Venetian premises) where you will have the opportunity of tasting the local specialties at a low price. 2nd ITINERARY
You will be likely to follow the second itinerary during the second day of your stay in Venice, after following the first one and after visiting the unique monuments of the most original square on the earth. For the second day we suggest you, first of all, to go round Rialto Market and mingle with the Venetians who go shopping in the morning, among the shouting of the ‘’fruttaroli’’ (fruit retailers in Venetian language), the fishmongers, the carriers on their ‘tope’ (the typical Venetian transport boats); among the colours and odours of such very evocative place. Afterwards, after having a look at the magnificent Church of Frari and the amazing St. Rocco School, which is completely covered with works by Tintoretto, in the afternoon you will have to choose between (if you are not prepared to make one more effort): the Academia Galleries, where you can walk among the works of the great Venetian painters and not, from 1400 to 1800, or the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, a temple of contemporary art.
3rd ITINERARY:Unusual The third itinerary will allow you to explore some hidden and not much visited area of Venice, such as the most popular and enchanting areas of the sestrieri of Cannaregio and Castello.The Ghetto and its several hidden synagogues. Madonna dell’Orto Church, one of the most silent and romantic places in the town. Moreover, the small but incredible St. Maria Nova Church, with its many-coloured marbles, and eventually, the impressive SS.Giovanni and Paolo Church.