Punta della Dogana

  • TELEFONO E FAX: +39 041 27 19 039

  • WEBSITE: www.palazzograssi.it

  • LOCATION: Punta della Dogana 2, Dorsoduro

Punta della Dogana, one of the two museums belonging to the Pinault Foundation in Venice, was once the Customs House for the Most Serene Republic. The building, with its characteristic triangular shape, crowned with a tower surmounted by the Golden Ball, depicting the world supported by two Atlases, was completely renovated in 2009, transformed into a modern centre for contemporary art, designed by the minimalist Japanese architect Tadao Ando. The main features of the building are in fact its exposed concrete walls, which are precisely the signature of Ando. Punta della Dogana overlooks St. Mark’s Basin and, as the permanent home of the immense Pinault collection, has become the number one port of call for the most representative works of contemporary art and the place of choice to share them with the wider public. Inside the building, visitors can also find the Dogana Café, a beautiful area, again renovated by Ando, where they can enjoy exceptional food and wine with a beautiful view over the Lagoon.

How to get there: Water bus Line 1 S.Angelo stop

Full ticket: € 15.00

Reduced ticket: € 12.00

Free admission: Young people under 20; accredited journalists; disabled; accompanying person with disabilities at 100%; licensed guides with license issued by the Province of Venice; 1 companion for each group of adults of 15 people; 2 escorts for each group of 15 to 29 participants; 3 escorts for each school group of 15 to 24 participants; 3 escorts for each school group of 25 to 29 participants; unemployed (upon presentation of a voucher); ICOM card; Members Bourse de Commerce from spring 2021; Members Palazzo Strozzi.

Every Wednesday admission is free for residents of the Metropolitan City of Venice and for students of Ca 'Foscari University, Iuav University, Academy of Fine Arts, Venice International University, Benedetto Marcello Conservatory, upon presentation of the student card.



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