Teatro La Fenice

  • EMAIL: eventi@velaspa.com

  • TELEFONO E FAX: 041786511

  • WEBSITE: www.teatrolafenice.it

  • LOCATION: Campo San Fantin, 1965 30124 Venezia


The Fenice theater in Venice: rich program of opera and symphonic music in Venice.

On the 14th of December 2003 a moved and enthusiastic crowd entered again Venice’s most famous and favourite theatre: the Teatro della Fenice, finally risen up from its ashes. The building had been entirely destroyed (only the bearing walls had survived, with a huge chasm in the middle) by an arson in January 1996 and was rebuilt, in its original style, in 8 years. The tragic night of 29th January 1996 the fire-brigade tried all night to put the fire off as it risked expanding to the surrounding buildings, while a large number of Venetians, desperate and hypnotized by the flames rising high towards the sky, stood in the water raining down from the only helicopter. Unfortunately, nothing was saved (only the side-wall remained): they only managed to prevent the surrounding area from catching fire. Today’s theatre is perfectly identical to the previous one. In keeping with the theatre’s storied history, the Fondazione Teatro La Fenice is proud to stage the most important works of the Italian and international operatic repertoire, including pieces by French, Slavic, British and German composers.


Water bus Line 1: Rialto, Sant'Angelo, San Samuele or San Marco (Vallaresso) stops

Water bus Line 2: Rialto or San Marco (Vallaresso) stops

VISITING HOURS: The theater is generally open for visits every day from 10:00 to 17:00, but it is advisable to visit the site as there may be changes in the calendar for artistic or technical reasons.

PRICES: Full € 7.00 Free admission for children up to 6 years.

Family Passes

Family with 1 child € 23,00. Family with 2 children € 26,00. Family with 3 childrene € 29,00.


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